There are numerous people that make Fourwinds Farm possible! First are the folks that show up every week – or whenever I need them – to keep the house, barns, and grounds functioning and beautiful. Scroll down to meet the professionals who lend their skills and talent to the operation.

James MacLeod is the all around farm hand, fixing what needs to be fixed and cheerfully doing anything I ask!

Marilyn Harper keeps the gardens and grounds absolutely beautiful and she is the favourite of dogs and kitties!

Evangelinia O’Brien is my barn keeper, coming after school or on weekends to keep the barnyard tidy and sometimes do fun things with the horses and me!

Rose Bezanson is my house keeper extraordinaire! She doesn’t stay still long enough for us to get a photo!

John Pembridge takes care of farmer needs with his fleet of big tractors. Making and moving hay, clearing snow, and consulting on world events!

Hoof Trimming
Gudrun Buchhofer
Horses Go Natural

Trevor Lawson DVM
Fundy Veterinarian

Laura Coulter DVM
Sunrise Vet Services

Sarah Baker Forward
Sarah’s Photography

Nick Gunn
Scotia Systems
Photographs © Sarah Baker Forward and © Katharine Locke